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Matrix > Matrix Assembly Interfaces > IBasicMatrixAggregator



The IBasicMatrixAggregator interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of the basic aggregation mechanism.


  Property name Brief description
The DefaultLevelAggregation property determines aggregation parameters for default dimensions levels.
The IgnoreNulls property contains method of empty values treatment on data aggregation.
The LevelAggregation property returns aggregation parameters for the specified dimension level.
The Operation property returns aggregation method.
The OperationCount property returns the number of available aggregation methods.
The OperationName property returns name of aggregation method
The UseSelection property determines whether data of selected elements is used during aggregation.

Properties inherited from IMatrixAggregatorModel

   Property name Brief description


The Dimension property determines a dimension, for which it is necessary to set up aggregation parameters.


The HierarchyId property determines identifier of aggregation by alternative hierarchy levels in the collection of alternative dictionary hierarchies.


The HierarchyKey property determines key of aggregation by alternative hierarchy levels in the collection of alternative dictionary hierarchies.


The Id property returns identifier of data aggregation mechanism.


The Name property returns name of data aggregation mechanism.

Methods inherited from IMatrixAggregatorModel

  Method name Brief description


The Execute method calculates aggregated data.

See also:

Matrix Assembly Interfaces