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ExtCtrls > ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces > IDataGridRows



The IDataGridRows interface implements properties and methods of the DataGrid component rows collection.


  Property name Brief description
The AbsoluteCount property returns the absolute number of table rows.
Outdated. Use IDataGridRows.AbsoluteCount or IDataGridRows.VisualCount.
The DataGrid property returns the parent object.
The Focused property determines the row that is focused.
The ImageIndex property determines index of the image that is used in a table cell.
The Item property returns parameters of the specified row.
The VisualCount property returns the number of rows actually displayed in the table.


  Method name Brief description
The Add method adds a new row and returns a reference to this row.
The AdjustHeight method adjusts row height so that the contents could entirely fit the cells.
The Clear method clears all table rows.
The Delete method deletes the row, which index is passed as an input parameter.

See also:

ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces