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ETL > ETL Assembly Interfaces > IEtlPlainLink



The IEtlPlainLink interface contains properties and methods of a linkage with an output fields of one object and input of another object.


  Property name Brief description
DestinationObjectInput The DestinationObjectInput property determines the object input, to which data is transferred.
Link The Link property returns consumer fields binding with source fields.
SourceObjectOutput The SourceObjectInput property determines the object output, from which data is sent.

Properties inherited from IEtlObject

  Property name Brief description
ConnCompId The ConnCompId property determines index of connected component of ETL task object.
Description The Description property determines description (annotation) of ETL task object.
Id The Id property determines identifier of ETL task object.
InputType The InputType property returns input type of ETL task object.
IsActive The IsActive property returns whether an object is included into ETL task.
Name The Name property determines name of ETL task object.
ObjectType The ObjectType property returns type of ETL task object.
ObjectTypeName The ObjectTypeName property returns a name of ETL task object type.
OutputType The OutputType property returns output type of ETL task object.
Task The Task property returns the ETL task, in which an object is created.


  Method name Brief description
Edit The Edit method creates an object copy for editing.
FillDefault The FillDefault method binds data consumer fields with data source fields by default.
Save The Save method saves editing results.

Methods inherited from IEtlObject

  Method name Brief description
Remove The Remove method removes ETL task object.

See also:

ETL Assembly Interfaces