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ETL > ETL Assembly Interfaces > IEtlPlainDataUserConsumer > IEtlPlainDataUserConsumer.ExMode


Fore Syntax

ExMode: Boolean;

Fore.NET Syntax

ExMode: boolean;


The ExMode property determines whether user consumer supports Fore.NET along with Fore.


Available values:

The type of the IDtUserConsumer interface allowing to specify only the Fore class for user consumer interface implementation cannot manage size of inserted data that leads to extensive memory use. It is more rational to use a new type of the IDtUserConsumerEx interface that allows for specifying Fore/Fore.NET class for implementing system interface of user consumer. Implementation of Fore.NET class allows for the use of partial data insert.

To determines whether user provider supports Fore.NET along with Fore, use IEtlPlainDataUserProvider.ExMode.

Fore and Fore.NET Example

The property use is given in the example for IEtlPlainDataUserProvider.ExMode.

See also:
