ETL > ETL Assembly Enumerations > EtlObjectType
The EtlObjectType enumeration contains types of ETL task object.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
3 | PlainDataJoin. Transformation: join. |
4 | PlainDataUnion. Transformation: union. |
5 | PlainDataSplit. Transformation: split. |
6 | PlainDataDeduplicate. Transformation: delete duplicates. |
7 | PlainDataGroup. Transformation: group. |
8 | PlainDataFilter. Transformation: filter. |
9 | PlainDataSort. Transformation: sort. |
10 | PlainDataMapper. Transformation: transform. |
11 | PlainDataUser. Transformation: user algorithm. |
32 | CodeBlock. Procedure. |
33 | SQLCommandBlock. DBMS command. |
81 | PlainLink. Objects link. |
100 | PlainDataMetabaseProvider. Import from repository. |
101 | PlainDataAccessProvider. Import from Access. |
102 | PlainDataExcelProvider. Import from Excel (97-2003). |
103 | PlainDataExcelConsumer. Export to Excel (97-2003). |
104 | PlainDataDbaseProvider. Import from DBase. |
105 | PlainDataParadoxProvider. Import from Paradox. |
106 | PlainDataXmlProvider. Import from XML. |
107 | PlainDataWebProvider. Import from web page. |
108 | PlainDataTextProvider. Import from text file. |
110 | PlainDataOleDbProvider. Import from OLEDB. |
111 | PlainDataUserProvider. Import from user source. |
112 | PlainDataVfpProvider. Import from Visual FoxPro. |
113 | PlainDataExcelProviderEx. Import from Excel (xlsx). |
114 | PlainDataRdsProvider. Repository provider: table MDM dictionary. |
200 | PlainDataMetabaseConsumer. Repository consumer. |
201 | PlainDataAccessConsumer. Export to Access. |
202 | PlainDataDbaseConsumer. Export to DBase. |
204 | PlainDataXmlConsumer. Export to XML. |
205 | PlainDataTextConsumer. Export to text file. |
207 | PlainDataOleDbConsumer . Export to OLEDB. |
208 | PlainDataUserConsumer. Export to user consumer. |
209 | PlainDataVfpConsumer. Export to Visual FoxPro. |
210 | PlainDataSqlCommandConsumer . Repository consumer: DBMS command. |
211 | PlainDataCopy. Source: data copying. |
212 | PlainDataExcelConsumerEx. Export to Excel (xlsx). |
213 | PlainDataRdsConsumer. Repository consumer: table MDM dictionary. |
214 | PlainDataCubeConsumer. Repository consumer: repository cube. |
See also: