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Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > IStandardDimension


Assembly: Dimensions;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions;


The IStandardDimension interface describes general model and structure of a table dictionary.

Inheritance Hierarchy



When a new table dictionary is created, to ensure its correct work, determine the following minimum settings:


  Property name Brief description
Attributes The Attributes property returns an object that contains a collection of table dictionary attributes.
Blocks The Blocks property returns an object that contains a collection of table dictionary blocks.
DeduplicateCondition The DeduplicateCondition property determines method of elements' selection when deleting duplicates in the dictionary.
DeduplicateExpression The DeduplicateExpression property returns the expression used to remove duplicates from the dictionary.
HideInaccessibleElements The HideInaccessibleElements property determines state of the Hide Inaccessible Dictionary Elements option.
Indexes The Indexes property returns an object that contains a collection of dictionary indexes.
Levels The Levels property returns a collection of table dictionary levels.
ReverseOrder The ReverseOrder property determines state of the Reverse Order of Dictionary Elements option.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces