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Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > IDynamicInstance


Assembly: Dimensions;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions;


The IDynamicInstance interface contains Properties and methods of MDM table dictionary with dynamic data loading.

Inheritance Hierarchy



On working with MDM table dictionary with dynamic data loading, elements are loaded in the memory on demand. The whole dictionary hierarchy is loaded on dictionary opening.

To enable dynamic data loading, use the IRdsDictionary.DynamicDimInstance is executed.


  Property name Brief description
AttributeCount The AttributeCount property returns number of dictionary attributes.
AttributeValue The AttributeValue property determines dictionary element attribute value.
AttributeValueById The AttributeValueById property determines dictionary element attribute value by attribute identifier.
AttributeValueByIdx The AttributeValueByIdx property determines dictionary element attribute value by attribute index.
AttributeValueByKey The AttributeValueByKey property determines dictionary element attribute value by attribute key.
ChildInstance The ChildInstance property returns child dictionary by its index.
ChildrenInstancesCount The ChildrenInstancesCount property returns the number of child dictionaries.
DeferredIndexSetupFor The DeferredIndexSetupFor property sets new value of the element attribute.
DimensionModel The DimensionModel property returns dictionary structure.
DimInstance The DimInstance property returns dictionary data.
DisplayValue The DisplayValue property determines displayed value of dictionary element attribute.
DisplayValueById The DisplayValueById property determines displayed value of dictionary element attribute by attribute identifier.
DisplayValueByIdx The DisplayValueByIdx property determines displayed value of dictionary element attribute by attribute index.
DisplayValueByKey The DisplayValueByKey property determines displayed value of dictionary element attribute by attribute key.
LoadedChildren The LoadedChildren property returns an array of loaded child elements of the specified dictionary element.
LoadedChildrenCount The LoadedChildrenCount property returns number of loaded child elements of the specified dictionary element.
LoadedCount The LoadedCount property returns number of loaded dictionary elements.
LoaderBlockSize The LoaderBlockSize property determines size of loaded dictionary elements block.
OperationsVisibility The OperationsVisibility property returns information which dictionaries will display changes.
OwnerOfLoadedNode The OwnerOfLoadedNode property returns index of the element which is a parent towards specified loaded element.
OwnerOfUnloadedLeaf The OwnerOfUnloadedLeaf property returns index of the element which is a parent towards specified unloaded element.
ParentInstance The ParentInstance property returns parent dictionary.
PreSetMark The PreSetMark property returns set to which belongs dictionary.
RootInstance The RootInstance property returns dictionary - data source.
UnloadedChildren The UnloadedChildren property returns an array of unloaded child elements of the specified dictionary element.
UnloadedLeavesCount The UnloadedLeavesCount property returns number of unloaded child elements of specified dictionary element.
UnloadedLeavesTotalCount The UnloadedLeavesTotalCount property returns the number of unloaded dictionary elements.


  Method name Brief description
AccomplishIndexSetup The AccomplishIndexSetup method applies value changes of elements attributes.
Add The Add method adds a new element to dictionary.
CanClone The CanClone method determines whether dictionary copy can be created.
CanMergeWith The CanMergeWith method determines whether dictionaries can be merged.
Clone The Clone method creates dictionary copy.
CreateAttributes The CreateAttributes method returns collection of dictionary attributes.
CreateAttributesInstance The CreateAttributesInstance method returns collection of dictionary attributes instances.
CreateBlocks The CreateBlocks method returns collection of dictionary blocks.
CreateBlocksInstance The CreateBlocksInstance method returns collection of dictionary blocks instances.
CreateDimElementArray The CreateDimElementArray method returns array of dictionary elements.
HasLeavesAllowedToUnload The HasLeavesAllowedToUnload method returns attribute whether there are unloaded child elements of specified dictionary element.
HasLoadedChildren The HasLoadedChildren method returns attribute whether there are loaded child elements of specified dictionary element.
InitInstance The InitInstance method initializes dictionary.
IsLeafLoaded The IsLeafLoaded method returns attribute that dictionary element is loaded.
IsLeafUnloaded The IsLeafUnloaded method returns attribute that dictionary element is not loaded.
LoadEntireInstance The LoadEntireInstance method loads all dictionary elements.
MergeWith The MergeWith method merges dictionaries.
Move The Move method moves specified element.
PresetChildRange The PresetChildRange method sets initial number of child elements of specified dictionary element.
RearrangeChildren The RearrangeChildren method arranges elements belonging to specified parent element and located on the same level.
Remove The Remove method removes specified element from dictionary.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces