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Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > IDimOrmClass > IDimOrmClass.CreateCondition



CreateCondition: IDimOrmCondition;


The CreateCondition method creates an object used to work with conditions.


In the example the form contains the following components: UiDimension, DimensionTree, Button. The OnClick event is described for the button.

Class MyForm: Form

dtree: DimensionTree;

cmdSelect: Button;

uidim: UiDimension;


Sub cmdSelectOnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);


pDimModel : IDimensionModel;

pManager : IDimOrmManager;

pClass : IDimOrmClass;

pCond : IDimOrmCondition;

pCondition : IOrmCondition;

pDimElement : IDimElement;

pDim : IDimInstance;

pDimElements : IDimElementArray;

i : Integer;


pDim := uidim.DimInstance;

pDimModel := uidim.Dimension;

pManager := New DimOrmManager.Create;

pClass := pManager.CreateClass(pDimModel);

pCond := pClass.CreateCondition;

pCondition := pCond.Conditions.Add;

pCondition.AttributeName := "TEMP1";

pCondition.Operator_ := OrmComparisonOperator.IsNotNull;


pDimElement := pDim.NewElement;

pDimElements := pDim.Elements.Elements;

For i := 0 To pDimElements.Count - 1 Do

pDimElement.Element := pDimElements.Element(i);

If pCond.Evaluate(pDimElement) Then

dtree.Selection.SelectElement(pDimElement.Element, False);

End If;

End For;

End Sub cmdSelectOnClick;

End Class MyForm;

Start the form and click the button, tree selection changes: only the elements with non-empty value of the TEMP1 attribute remain selected.

See also:
