Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > IDimAttributeHierarchiesInstance > IDimAttributeHierarchiesInstance.FindByAttributeLevel
FindByAttributeLevel(AttributeKey: Integer; [LevelKey: Integer = 0]): IDimAttributeHierarchyInstance;
FindByAttributeLevel(AttributeKey: uinteger; LevelKey: uinteger): Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions.IDimAttributeHierarchyInstance;
AttributeKey. Attribute key.
LevelKey. Attribute hierarchy level.
The FindByAttributeLevel method searches data of attribute alternative hierarchy by its level.
If data is not found, the method returns Null.
If the LevelKey parameter receives the -1 value, the search is executed whatever the level is.
The method use is given in the example for IDimAttributeHierarchyInstance.AttributeHierarchy.
See also: