Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Enumerations > SelectionCopyToExOptions
The SelectionCopyToExOptions enumeration is used to determine the options that are copied from source dimension into consumer dimension.
It is used by the following methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | None. Only dimension selection is copied. |
1 | WithGroup. Copies selection and groups of elements from source dimension. |
2 | WithSchema. Copies selection and selection schema of the source dimension. |
4 | WithoutAdditionalHierarchy. The specified dimension parameters are copied without additional alternative hierarchies related with selection. If value is not used, dimension parameters are copied with additional alternative hierarchy. |
8 | WithPredefinedSchema. Copies selection and pre-defined schema of the source dimension selection. |
16 | ForceHierarchy. Refreshes dimension hierarchy. |
27 | DefaultWithForceHierarchy. Combination of values: WithGroup, WithSchema, WithPredefinedSchema and ForceHierarchy. |
32 | AltOnly. Only alternative hierarchy selection is copied. The value is has a high priority, that is, if it is used, all the others specified values, except for DestMultiSel, are ignored. If value is not used, alternative hierarchies are copied. |
64 | NoAlternate. The specified dimension parameters are copied without alternative hierarchies on synchronization. |
128 | DestMultiSel. It saves the IDimSelection.MultiSelect property on copying. If value is used, the IDimSelection.MultiSelect consumer property is forcedly set to True before copying. After copying the previous property value is restored. |
256 | Invalidate. It is used to forcedly generate a change event on copying selection even if nothing has been changed. This value must be used on synchronizing selections via copying. |
512 | CompareByKeys. Changes are checked for equality by keys and not only by addresses. |
If the Invalidate value is used, it may low down dashboard and regular report performance.
See also: