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Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Enumerations > SelectionCopyToExOptions



The SelectionCopyToExOptions enumeration is used to determine the options that are copied from source dimension into consumer dimension.

It is used by the following methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Only dimension selection is copied.
1 WithGroup. Copies selection and groups of elements from source dimension.
2 WithSchema. Copies selection and selection schema of the source dimension.
4 WithoutAdditionalHierarchy. The specified dimension parameters are copied without additional alternative hierarchies related with selection. If value is not used, dimension parameters are copied with additional alternative hierarchy.
8 WithPredefinedSchema. Copies selection and pre-defined schema of the source dimension selection.
16 ForceHierarchy. Refreshes dimension hierarchy.
27 DefaultWithForceHierarchy. Combination of values: WithGroup, WithSchema, WithPredefinedSchema and ForceHierarchy.
32 AltOnly. Only alternative hierarchy selection is copied. The value is has a high priority, that is, if it is used, all the others specified values, except for DestMultiSel, are ignored. If value is not used, alternative hierarchies are copied.
64 NoAlternate. The specified dimension parameters are copied without alternative hierarchies on synchronization.
128 DestMultiSel. It saves the IDimSelection.MultiSelect property on copying. If value is used, the IDimSelection.MultiSelect consumer property is forcedly set to True before copying. After copying the previous property value is restored.
256 Invalidate. It is used to forcedly generate a change event on copying selection even if nothing has been changed. This value must be used on synchronizing selections via copying.
512 CompareByKeys. Changes are checked for equality by keys and not only by addresses.


If the Invalidate value is used, it may low down dashboard and regular report performance.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Enumerations