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Db > Db Assembly Interfaces > ITable


Assembly: Db;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Db;


The ITable interface contains properties and methods of the Table repository object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



When a new table is created, to ensure its correct work, determine the following minimum set of properties in the settings:

NOTE. To control uniqueness of DBMS data, it is recommended always to create indexes in the Indexes collection. One of the indexes must be a primary key.


  Property name Brief description
The CaseSensitiveNativeName property determines physical name of the table in a database taking into account case of symbols.
The Checks property returns table constraints.
The Database property determines a database, in which given tables are stored.
The External property returns whether the table is external.
The Fields property returns an object containing all fields of the table.
The ForeignKeys property returns a collection of table external keys.
The Indexes property returns an object containing all indexes of the table.
The IsRecreateFL property determines whether to recreate the table external connections.
The NativeName property determines a physical name of the table in a database.
The Triggers property returns an object containing all triggers of the table.


  Method name Brief description
The AlterTable method updates the structure of specified table on database server according to structure of current table.
The AttachTable method updates information about table structure in a repository, according to table structure on database server.
The CreateTable method creates a table on the basis of available metadata.
The DropTable method removes a table from database on server.
The UpdateTable method updates the structure of table on database server according to structure of current table.

See also:

Db Assembly Interfaces | IDatasetModel | IDatasetInstance