Db > Db Assembly Interfaces > ISQLCommand > ISQLCommand.Database
Database: IDatabase;
The Database property determines a database, in which the DBMS Command object is stored.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
CrInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;
MObj: IMetabaseObject;
SQLCom: ISQLCommand;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
CrInfo := MB.CreateCreateInfo;
CrInfo.ClassID := MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_SQLCOMMAND;
CrInfo.Id := "NewSqlCommand";
CrInfo. Name: = new command SQL;
CrInfo.Parent := MB.Root;
MObj := MB.CreateObject(CrInfo).Edit;
SQLCom := MObj As ISQLCommand;
SQLCom.Database := MB.ItemById("BD").Bind As IDatabase;
SQLCom.Text("ORCL") := "Insert Into Table_1(Field1, Field2) Values(12, '12')";
End Sub Main;
After executing the example a new DBMS Command is created in repository root. At executing the command one new record is inserted into the Table_1 table.
See also: