Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > IStandardCubeFactBinding > IStandardCubeFactBinding.AggregatedDataTypePrecision
AggregatedDataTypePrecision: Integer;
The AggregatedDataTypePrecision property determines value precision (the number of digits after the point) after aggregation. This property is taken into account if the IStandardCubeFactBinding.AggregatedDataType property is set to CubeFactBindingAggregatedDataType.FixedPoint.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a standard cube with the OBJ_CUBE identifier. Facts bindings must be set up in this cube.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
MObj: IMetabaseObject;
StandCub: IStandardCube;
StDataset: IStandardCubeDataset;
FactBind: IStandardCubeFactBinding;
FactBinds: IStandardCubeFactBindings;
FactDimension: IDimInstance;
Iter: IDimIterator;
DimElements: IDimElements;
id: String;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
MObj := MB.ItemById("OBJ_CUBE").Edit;
StandCub := MObj As IStandardCube;
FactDimension := StandCub.FactDimension.OpenDimension;
DimElements := FactDimension.Elements;
Iter := DimElements.Elements.Iterator;
While Iter.Next Do
id := DimElements.Id(Iter.Element);
StDataset := StandCub.Datasets.Item(0);
FactBinds := StandCub.FactBindings(StDataset);
FactBind := FactBinds.Binding(id);
If FactBind.Formula <> Null Then
FactBind.AggregationType := CubeFactBindingAggregationType.Custom;
FactBind.CustomAggregateFunction := "SUM";
FactBind.DistinctAggregate := True;
FactBind.AggregatedDataType := CubeFactBindingAggregatedDataType.FixedPoint;
FactBind.AggregatedDataTypePrecision := 3;
End If;
End While;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example a custom method of aggregation calculation on the data source is determined for cube facts. Numbers with fixed point calculated to within one thousandth are the result of aggregation. Aggregation method - sum.
See also: