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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > IRubricatorFactorStorage



The IRubricatorFactorStorage interface contains properties and methods that are used to save factor data.


When a time series database is saved, if FactDataId contains group attributes, the values in the matrix to be saved must be stored in a special coordinate (with excluded coordinates be free group attributes).

The group of attributes is worked using the IMetaAttributeGroup interface.


  Property name Brief description
CurrentRevision The CurrentRevision property determines a revision to save data.
DataOverwrite The DataOverwrite property determines whether to overwrite existing data.
EphemeralFacts The EphemeralFacts property determines whether to save new factors with indicator of deletion.
FactDataMatrix The FactDataMatrix property determines a saved data matrix.

Properties inherited from IRubricatorFactorIO

  Property name Brief description
The CalendarSubstituteKey property determines a key of calendar dictionary used for data extraction and storage.
The Dependencies property determines whether data needs to be extracted or stored based on factor dependencies.
The FactDataId property determines identifiers of factor attributes that are used to save or load values.
The FactDataKind property determines a type of the factor attribute, which values need to be loaded or saved.
The Factor property returns factor data. The property is not used.
The MultipleFactors property determines whether data is saved or extracted by several factors.
The Rubricator property returns data of time series database.
The ScenarioSubstituteKey property determines a key of the scenario used for extracting or saving data.
The ValidationExecKey property determines a key of validation execution.
The ValidationValues property determines whether data can be saved or extracted by validations.
The ValidationValuesByScenario property determines whether data can be saved or extracted by validations in scenarios dimension.
The ValueId property determines observation attributes identifiers, which values need to be loaded or saved.
The ValueKind property determines a type of observation attribute, which values must be loaded or saved.


  Method name Brief description
AsCubeStorage The AsCubeStorage method saves factor data of as cube data.
OpenRevision The OpenRevision method creates a new revision to save data.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces