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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > IRubricatorFactorDependenciesLookup



The IRubricatorFactorDependenciesLookup interface contains properties and methods that are used to find dependencies in a time series database.


  Property name Brief description
Current The Current property returns the current record in the cursor that contains found data.
WhereCalendarPoint The WhereCalendarPoint property determines calendar point of required dependence.
WhereDependentFactorKey TheWhereDependentFactorKey property determines a key of dependent factor.

Properties inherited from IRubricatorDictionaryLookup

  Property name Brief description
The CurrentRevision property determines a revision for editing.
The Lookup property returns search condition.
The Rubricator property returns data of time series database.
The WhereCompoundFactorKey property determines a composite key of the required time series.
The WhereFactorKey property determines a key of required time series.
The WhereIsDeleted property determines whether deleted records are used in search.
The WhereIsEmpty property determines whether empty records are used in search.
The WhereRevisionKey property determines a key of revision used in search.


  Method name Brief description
Close The Close method closes the cursor.
Eof The Eof method returns whether the current record is the last.
Next The Next method moves to the next found record.
Open The Open method opens a cursor that enables the user to navigate through found data.

Methods inherited from IRubricatorDictionaryLookup

  Method name Brief description
The GetFactors property returns found time series.
The LookupFactors method returns the keys array of the found time series.
The LookupFactors method returns the composite keys array of the found time series.
The WhereRevisionBetween method searches for time series changed between two revisions.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces