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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > IMDCalculationDestinationInstance



The IMDCalculationDestinationInstance interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with data consumer instance of multidimensional calculation on DB server.


  Property name Brief description
FixedSlices The FixedSlices property returns the collection of data consumer's fixed slices.

Properties inherited from IMDCalculationDatasetInstance

  Property name Brief description
The Dataset property returns properties of data source or data consumer of multidimensional calculation on DB server.
The DimensionSet property returns the set of dimensions of data source or data consumer instances.
The Facts property returns dummy dimension of facts that are connected to data fields.
The IsDestination property returns whether this object is used as a destination of multidimensional calculation on DB server.
The Slices property returns the collection of data source or data consumer instance.
The View property returns the display parameters of items in dimensions and formulas of multidimensional calculation.

Properties inherited from INamedEntityModel

  Property name Brief description
The Id property returns object identifier.
The Key property returns object key.
The Name property returns object name.

Methods inherited from IMDCalculationDatasetInstance

  Method name Brief description
The CoordToKey method transforms a coordinate corresponding to an element in a data source or data consumer into the unique key of the element.
The CoordToText property returns string view of the element, to which the coordinate corresponds in the data source or data consumer.
The KeyToCoord method transforms an element unique key into the coordinate in data source or data consumer.
The KeyToText method returns string view of the element corresponding to the unique key.
The NewCoord method creates an object used as an element coordinate in data source or data consumer.
The NewKey method creates an object used as the unique key corresponding to the element in data source or data consumer.
The SetDimensionSet method sets the collection of dimensions used for data source or data consumer instance.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces