Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > ICubeClass > ICubeClass.CurrentCoord
CurrentCoord: IMatrixCoord;
The CurrentCoord property returns the current coordinate in a standard cube.
This property is used in macros that determine calculated time series values of the standard cube.
This example is a macro for the cube and serves as a formula for cube calculated time series.
Public Function GetActiveCoord: Variant;
Result: Variant;
Coord: IMatrixCoord;
i: Integer;
Coord := CubeClass.CurrentCoord;
Result := Current coordinate: ;
For i := 0 To Coord.Count - 1 Do
Result := Result + Coord.Item(i).ToString + " ";
End For;
Return Result;
End Function GetActiveCoord;
When creating a cube the current coordinate in the cube is displayed as a calculated time series value.
See also: