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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > ICalculatedCubeDimension > ICalculatedCubeDimension.ForwardLag



ForwardLag: Integer;


The ForwardLag property determines the forward lag specifying the number of succeeding elements not included in the selection, by which the values will be extracted.


The forward lag is the shifting forward by the selection relative to the last selected element. The value of the ForwardLag property specifies, for which succeeding elements not included in the selection, the value will be extracted.

The value of the lag must be specified if the formula contains the LAGVAL function, which gets the value of the element shifted relative to the specified element. If the element, which coordinate was calculated by the LAGVAL function, is missing in the selection, the function will get the empty value because the value by this element is not extracted from the data source. Specifying the BackwardLag and ForwardLag properties enables the user to specify the necessity of extracting values by elements missing in the selection.


The example of use is given in description of the BackwardLag property.

See also:
