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BISearch > BISearch Assembly Interfaces > ISolrCoreInfo


Assembly: BISearch;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.BISearch;


The ISolrCoreInfo interface contains properties that are used to get information about the Solr instance.

Inheritance Hierarchy



The ISolrOperations.GetOverview method returns information about the specified Solr instance.


  Property name Brief description
Current The Current property returns whether any actions are currently executed with the Solr instance.
DeletedDocs The DeletedDocs property returns the number of the Solr documents, which were deleted.
HasDeletions The HasDeletions property returns whether there are deleted documents of the Solr instance.
LastModified The LastModified property returns data and time of the last change of the documents linked to the current Solr instance.
MaxDoc The MaxDoc property returns the maximum allowed number of documents, which can be created for the Solr instance.
NumDocs The NumDocs property returns the current number of documents created for the Solr instance.

See also:

BISearch Assembly Interfaces