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BISearch > BISearch Assembly Interfaces > ISearchSourceDataResult


Assembly: BISearch;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.BISearch;


The ISearchSourceDataResult interface contains properties of the record with search results of information about dimension elements, which form data slices.

Inheritance Hierarchy




On searching by indexed data of dimension elements, to get search result, cast the element described by the ISearchResult interface to the ISearchSourceDataResult interface.


  Property name Brief description
DateLevels The DateLevels property returns the list of calendar levels, for which the source has data.
HighlightedFreeDimensions The HighlightedFreeDimensions property returns the list free source dimensions taking into account highlighting of the search text in the names.
HighlightedTime The HighlightedTime property returns the list of years, for which there is data with highlighted search text.
SourceMetadata The SourceMetadata property returns data source metadata.
Time The Time property returns the list of years with data.

Properties inherited from ISearchResult

  Property name Brief description
Description The Description property returns data source description.
HighlightedDescription The HighlightedDescription property returns description of data source with highlighted search text in it.
HighlightedName The HighlightedName property returns element name with search results and highlighted search text in it.
Name The Name property returns element name with search result.


  Method name Brief description
CreateDimSelectionSet The CreateDimSelectionSet method creates a selection, which forms a data slice by found dimension selection elements.

See also:

BISearch Assembly Interfaces