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BISearch > BISearch Assembly Enumerations > SolrSearchType



The SolrSearchType enumeration contains available search options.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
1 SearchOnly. Only standard search. After search, records with search results are obtained. Each record contains information about found data or metadata slice.
2 FacetOnly. Only faceted search. After search, only faceted search result are available: results grouped by faceted fields. Each result contains only general information including values of faceted fields and number of search results grouped by them. Additional search can be further executed using faceted field values to get specific search results.
The ISolrSearchResults.FacetSearchResults property returns results of faceted search.
3 FacetAndSearch. Standard and faceted search. After search, records with information about found data or metadata slices and results of faceted search containing general information grouped by faceted fields will be available.

See also:

BISearch Assembly Enumerations