AdoMd > About the AdoMd Assembly
The section contains description of the AdoMd assembly used to work with ADOMD catalog and its child objects, namely ADOMD cubes and dictionaries. On using interface properties and methods, it is possible to get information about objects structure, change any parameters and access data of multidimensional structures.
Main interfaces of the AdoMd assembly are the following:
IAdoMdCatalog. Interface that describes ADOMD catalog and allows to set up its connection parameters.
IAdoMdCatalogInstance. Interface used to work with an open instance of ADOMD catalog, it is used to update contents and obtain current connection parameters.
IAdoMdCube. Interface that describes ADOMD cube structure.
IAdoMdCubeInstance. Interface used to work with an open instance of ADOMD cube, it is used to access data.
IAdoMdDimension. Interface that describes ADOMD dictionary structure.
IAdoMdDimensionInstance. Interface used to work with an open instance of ADOMD dictionary, it is used to access data.
IAdoMdCellset. Interface for working with data, obtained from the MDX query.
A more detailed information on working with ADOMD catalog is provided in the following subsections:
See also: