Fore Language Guide > Exceptions > System Classes of Exceptions
Below is a list of the Fore classes that are used to handle or throw various exceptions.
Class | Brief description |
The AccessViolationException class represents an exception instance thrown when an object, which has not yet been created, is called. | |
The ArgumentException class represents an exception instance thrown when an argument passed to a property or method is not available. | |
The ArgumentNullException class represents an exception instance thrown when trying to pass the Null value to a property or a method, which cannot accept it as a valid value. | |
The ArgumentOutOfRangeException class represents an exception instance thrown when the value of an argument passed to a property or a method exceeds the specified range. | |
The ArithmeticException class represents an exception instance thrown when executing any arithmetic operations or cast to a type and conversion operations. | |
The DirectoryNotFoundException class represents an exception instance thrown when trying to access a directory missing on the disk. | |
The DivideByZeroException class represents an exception instance thrown when an overflow error occurs due to division by zero. | |
The EndOfStreamException class represents an exception instance thrown when trying to go beyond the thread during reading. | |
The Exception class represents a basic class for all exceptions, which can be thrown during execution of a custom code. | |
The FileNotFoundException class represents an exception instance thrown when trying to access a file missing on the disk. | |
The IndexOutOfRangeException class represents an exception instance thrown when calling an array element with the index exceeding the array limits. | |
The IOException class represents an exception instance thrown when an input-output error occurs. | |
The NotFiniteNumberException class represents an exception instance thrown when the result of any operations is positive infinity, negative infinity or a non-numeric value (NaN). | |
The OleException class represents an exception instance thrown when using OLE objects. | |
The OverflowException class represents an exception instance thrown when the internal buffer is overflowed. | |
The PathTooLongException class represents an exception instance thrown when a file path or a file name exceeds the maximum allowed length. | |
The StackOverflowException class represents an exception instance thrown when the stack is overflowed. | |
The TabNotNumberException class implements an exception instance thrown when a formula includes cells containing different types of data. | |
The Win32Exception class represents an exception instance thrown when Windows API functions are used. |
See also: