Working with General Visual Components > Components > FontDialog > Example of Creating the FontDialog Component
Add links to the following files in the HEAD tag to execute the example:
Library of the PP.js basic components.
Visual PP.css styles.
The module with the (Russian resources) of the resources.en.js (English resources).
Add the following script to the SCRIPT tag to create the font settings dialog box and the button calling this dialog box:
//create the FontDialog component var fontdialog = new PP.Ui.FontDialog(); //current font settings fontdialog.setFont(new PP.Font({ //name FontFamily: "Tahoma", //size Size: 12, //color Color: "#00BFFF", //do not use default color UseAutoColor: false, //bold font style IsBold: true, //italic
IsItalic: true, //not strikethrough IsStriken: false, //underlined IsUnderline: true, //not superior IsSuperior: false, //not inferior IsInferior: false, //without lower case capitals IsLowerCapitalized: false, //without all capitals IsCapitalized: false }));
//set example text fontdialog.setSampleTextString("Example"); //button to open dialog var b = new PP.Ui.Button({ ParentNode: document.getElementById("but1"), Content: "Font dialog", Width: 50, Height: 20 }); b.Click.add(function (sender, args) {, 100) });
After executing the example, the HTML page contains the Font dialog button, clicking which opens the dialog box for selecting font:
See also: