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Data Mining > Association Analysis

Association Analysis

This type of analysis determines sets of elements frequently occurring together based on analyzing a collection of repetitive transactions.

In other words, the purpose of this analysis is establishing the following dependencies: if an X set of elements is found in the transaction, it can be concluded that another Y set of elements should also be found. Establishing these dependencies enables finding simple and intuitive rules.

To work with the Association Analysis analysis:

  1. Select data for analysis.

NOTE. For method calculation, selected data must contain at least one attribute and one observation, excluding titles. If data source is:
   - Regular report. Title is the first row in the selected range.
   - Workbook. Titles are series names.
   - Express report, dashboard, data table. Titles are column headers.

  1. Select an analysis type.

  2. Set analysis parameters:

The following operations are available in the dialog box:

Select data of transactions

Select data for analysis

Determine advanced settings

Click the Next button to go to the next page of the wizard.

  1. Execute required actions on analysis results.

The analysis results can be saved to a file, printed or inserted on the regular report sheet. For details see the Working with Analysis Results section.

Example of the Association Analysis analysis results:

If during the analysis warnings occurred, the Warnings additional tab is displayed.

See also:

Selecting Analysis Type | Association Analysis | ISmAssociationRules