Dal > About the Dal Assembly
This section contains description of the Dal assembly that is used to work with DBMS by means of SQL queries. The assembly contains implementation of the classes that provide access to the DBMS using any drivers supported by Foresight Analytics Platform. Using the required driver, create a connection to the DBMS and create a command for starting SQL queries and returning their execution results. The obtained data can be transferred to the application under development, processed there and saved back to the database.
The main interfaces of the Dal assembly are:
IDalDriver. The base interface that contains the method for creating a connection description.
IDalConnectionDescriptor, IDalConnectionDescriptor2, IDalConnectionDescriptorExt. Interfaces for describing connection with the DBMS.
IDalConnection, IDalConnection2, IDalConnectionExt. Interfaces for working with the created repository.
IDalCommand, IDalCommand2, IDalCommandEx. Interfaces for working with commands that are used to execute SQL queries.
IDalCursor. The interface that contains properties and methods that are used to work with the output data cursor.
IDalCommandTask. The interface that describes the task that is used to execute SQL queries in the asynchronous mode.
For details on working with the DBMS using SQL queries, see the following subsections:
See also:
Dal Assembly Interfaces | Dal Assembly Enumerations | Dal Assembly Classes