Dal > Dal Assembly Interfaces > IDalConnectionDescriptorParams > IDalConnectionDescriptorParams.Item
Item(Index: Integer): IDalConnectionDescriptorParam;
Index. Parameter index.
The Item property returns the parameter that is used to connect to the database server.
Sub UserProc;
Driver: IDalDriver;
ConnectDesc: IDalConnectionDescriptor;
Params: IDalConnectionDescriptorParams;
Connect: IDalConnection;
Comand: IDalCommand;
Driver := New DalOrcl8Driver.Create As IDalDriver;
ConnectDesc := Driver.CreateDescriptor;
Params := ConnectDesc.Params;
Params.Item(0).Value := "User";
Params.Item(1).Value := "Password";
Params.Item(2).Value := "OrclServer";
Params.Item(3).Value := "Repository";
Connect := ConnectDesc.CreateConnection;
Comand := Connect.CreateCommand;
Comand.SQL := "Select * From Table_1";
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example a new database server connection is created. The required parameters containing information about server location are specified for connection. After that the SQL query is executed that extracts all records from the specified table.
See also: