Dal > Dal Assembly Interfaces > IDalConnectionDescriptor > IDalConnectionDescriptor.Params
Params: IDalConnectionDescriptorParams;
The Params property returns the collection of parameters that are used to connect to the database server using this driver.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
DBDriv: IDalOleDbDrivers;
Driv: IDalDriver;
ConnectDesc: IDalConnectionDescriptor;
Params: IDalConnectionDescriptorParams;
Params_name: IStringList;
i: Integer;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
Params_name := New StringList.Create;
DBDriv := New DalOleDbDrivers.Create;
Driv := DBDriv.Driver(0);
ConnectDesc := Driv.CreateDescriptor;
Params := ConnectDesc.Params;
For i := 0 To Params.Count - 1 Do
End For;
i := Params.Count;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example the "i" variable contains the number, and the Params_name variable contains names of all parameters that are necessary for connection using the first OLE DB driver installed in the system.
See also: