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Dal > Dal Assembly Enumerations > DalParamDirection



The DalParamDirection enumeration contains types of destination of SQL query parameter.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Unknown. Unknown.
1 Input. Parameter available only for input of values.
2 Output. Parameter available only for output of values.
3 InputOutput. Parameter available for input and output of values.
4 ReturnValue. The parameter, to which the value, returned by a stored procedure built-in or determined by the user function, is moved. The result of execution has the specified data type.
8 RefCursor. The parameter, to which the value, returned by a stored procedure built-in or determined by the user function, is moved. Cursor of arbitrary structure is a result of the execution. It is necessary to cast a value of the parameter to the IDalCursor interface to work with the cursor.
NOTE. It is possible to receive a cursor as a result of the execution if the Oracle 9.x driver or later is used for connection.

See also:

Dal Assembly Enumerations