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Administration and Access Control > Setting Up System Security Policy > Selecting Access Control Methods and Their Setup > Setting Up Access Control for Workstations and Printers

Setting Up Access Control for Workstations and Printers

To set up access control for workstations and printers:

NOTE. Workstations can be only set up in the web application.

Denying Access from Workstations

To add a workstation, access from which will be denied:

After executing one of the operations, the workstation selection dialog box opens. Select checkboxes next to workstations and click the Deny Access button.

After executing operations, the access will be denied to the current repository from workstations added to the list.

To delete selected workstation:

NOTE. Hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key to delete several workstations.

After executing the operations, the selected workstation will be removed from the list.

After changes, click the Save toolbar button.

Setting Up Available Printers

The available printers setting determines which printers should be available to the user. If the list is empty in the available printers area, the printing is available from any printer.

Add an available printer

Remove a printer

Assign access level

To select all printers in the list, select the Select All context menu item.

Matching User with Output Device

A security level for specific objects is determined by means of access control methods.

When mandatory access control is used, it is also necessary to take into account the Allow Object Printing checkbox selected for security level

See also:

Advanced Access Control Settings | General Policy Settings