Working with Validation Results
On executing validation rule highlights exceptions. Exceptions are observations or time series not corresponding to the validation rule conditions.
After validation rule is executed:
Exceptions are displayed in the validation execution area, if validation rule was executed in the express report, dashboard, regular report, on the current sheet of workbook or in the current workbook.
Exceptions are loaded to the new sheet, if validation rule was executed in current time series database of workbook. Series containing exceptions are available in series tree of a new sheet. The exceptions are stored in addition as a child object for validation rule and they are available on the Validation Rules side panel tab. Object name format: Start <start date and time>. For example: Start 01.03.2018 15:45:00.
Exceptions formatting style depends on validation rule settings.
To work with validation exceptions, the following tabs are used:
Advanced Analytics on the ribbon.
Validation Exceptions on the side panel.
View and
edit validation rule parameters
or hide validation legend
View rules highlighted
Delete explanation
for exceptions
Operations available only on data validation in the current time series database:
Browse validation
results again
Filter validation
results by importance level
See also: