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Data Connection and Preparation > Structuring Data Sets > Creating Other Objects > Units and Measures

Units and Measures

Mechanism of automatic scaling of measurement units enables the user to show data saved in different scale in a uniform scale. For example, indicators saved in tens and thousands can be shown in millions of units.

Units can be scaled in the tools: Analytical Queries (OLAP), Reports, Time Series Analysis.

There are two main approaches to use measurement units:

To set up measurement units:

NOTE. Measurement units cannot be scaled if data caching is enabled.

Example of Measurement Unit Scaling

Time series database data is saved in different scale: in rubles and thousands of rubles. Differences in scale complicate perception of information, displaying of data by one scale of visualizer leads to incorrect perception of information.

Data for the first row is saved in the Ruble unit with the scale 1. Two other rows contain data saved in the Thousands of Rubles unit with the scale 1000:

Select the Ruble unit for the current report sheet, data is displayed in one unit:

See also:

Data Warehousing