Reference > Working in Object Navigator > Managing Object Displaying
In the object navigator object view is managed on the View tab:
To show or hide object tree, click the Object Tree button. By default, object tree is shown in the navigator.
To hide empty folders in the object tree, deselect the checkbox next to the Show Empty Folders context menu item.
To change object view in the navigator list, select the view:
To sort objects:
Click the Sorting button and select sorting option in the drop-down list:
By identifier.
By name.
By date modified.
By object type.
By comment.
Select the Arrange > <sorting option> item in the context menu of the objects list.
NOTE. The command is available only in the desktop application.
After executing the operations the objects list will be sorted by the selected option.
On object search the Search Results floating panel is displayed:
The panel displays all objects that satisfy search conditions.
To show or hide the floating panel, click the Search Results button on the ribbon.
To go to the found object in the repository objects list:
Press the ENTER key.
Select the Show Object Navigator item in the object's context menu.
After executing the operations, the selected object in the search results is selected in the objects list.
On object locking the Locked Objects floating panel is displayed:
The panel displays a hierarchical list of locked repository objects.
To show or hide the floating panel, click the Locked Objects button on the ribbon.
To unlock objects:
Select checkboxes next to the locked objects.
Click the button.
After executing the operations the selected objects are unlocked and can be edited.
See also: