Table > Working with Table Data > Excluding Data from Table
When working with analytical data area table it is available to use operations of data exclusion from table by means of changing selection in dimensions by rows and/or columns and executing context menu commands for different table elements.
NOTE. Data can be excluded from table in the Reports tool only in the desktop application.
Consider in detail operations of excluding data from table executed by context menu commands.
To exclude unnecessary rows from table:
Select a row cell or header to exclude.
TIP. To select several cells, hold down the CTRL key.
Select the Exclude item in the context menu of the selected row.
NOTE. In the Dashboards tool select the Table > Exclude item in the context menu of the selected row.
After executing the operations the selected row is excluded from the table.
To exclude unnecessary columns from table:
Select header of the column to exclude.
TIP. To select several columns, hold down the CTRL key.
Select the Exclude item in the context menu of the selected column.
NOTE. In the Dashboards tool select the Table > Exclude item in the context menu of the selected column.
After executing the operations the selected column is excluded from the table.
To exclude all data from table except for the selected:
Select the cell, cell/row/column range in the table, which data must be displayed in the table.
Select the Exclude Other item in the context menu of the selected cell range.
NOTE. In the Dashboards tool select the Table > Exclude the Rest item in the context menu of selected cell range.
After executing the operations all data is deleted from the table except for the selected.
See also: