
The DBA.config.json file stores the settings that affect business application web version performance. The file has the following structure by default:

  "targetRepo": "ID_REPO",
  "targetApp": "ID_APP",
  "ppServiceUrl": "",
  "locale": "ru",
  "locales": ["ru"],
  "repositories": {
    "ID_REPO": {
      "repoIdent": "ID_REPO",
      "apps": {
        "ID_APP": {
          "appIdent": "ID_APP",
          "breadcrumbRootTitle": "FORESIGHT. Business application",
          "mainMenuLogo": "assets/design/img/PPlogo_sm.png",
          "pageMetadataLogo": "assets/design/img/PPlogo.png"

Description of Fields

Below is the list of fields contained in the default JSON structure:

Field Description
targetRepo The identifier of the repository, to which default connection is established. As a value, specify identifier of one of the repositories, which settings are contained in the "repositories" group.
targetApp The identifier of the business application that will be opened. As a value, specify identifier of one of the business applications, which settings are contained in the "apps" group of the repository specified in targetRepo.
ppServiceUrl URL of the BI server, with which a business application will interact to get data.


Two-letter code of the default language selected in the interface.
locales The array containing two-letter language codes to which the interface can be switched. By default only one element corresponding to Russian is included into array. If any other additional languages are added to the array, then the start page used to log in to repository will contain hyperlinks to switch the interface language.
repositories The data of the repository, to which connection is established. Several subsections ID_REPO can be created in this section.
ID_REPO The section with repository information. Field name must match the value specified in the repoIdent field.
repoIdent Repository identifier. Field value must match the name of the ID_REPO section.
apps Business application data. Several subsections ID_APP can be created in this section.
ID_APP The section with business application information. Field name must match the value specified in the appIdent field.
appIdent The identifier of business application in repository. Field value must match the name of the ID_APP section.
breadcrumbRootTitle The title that is displayed in the breadcrumb's root element.
mainMenuLogo The path to the image displayed at the top left corner above the list of objects.
pageMetadataLogo The path to the image displayed above the login and password boxes.

It is also available to include additional fields into the root level of JSON structure that will be processed and will affect web application work. These fields have default values that are applied if the field is absent in the structure:

    "ppLibUrl": "assets/platform_modules",
    "externalJs": [],
    "externalCss": [],
    "isSendLogToBI": "false",
    "showNavGroupFirstElement": "false",
    "clearMetabaseObjectsCacheOnOpen": "true",
    "logToConsole": "true",
    "showMessageForUnhandledError": "true",
    "authentication": "IntegratedDomain",
    "modules" : {
            "url": "http://project/app/olap.html",
                  "isRepo": true,
                  "isClass": true,
                  "mode": "edit",
                  "isConnectionId": true

Description of fields:

Field Description
ppLibUrl Path to libraries of Foresight Analytics Platform used in business application work. By default, the relative path "assets/platform_modules" is used that is searched in the folder with installed extensions back end.
externalJs The array of URLs to external JS files that must be loaded before business application startup. No external JS files are loaded by default.
externalCss The array of URLs to external CSS files that will be loaded before business application startup. No external CSS files are loaded by default.
isSendLogToBI It indicates whether operations that are sent by business application to BI server are logged. Logging is enabled by default. If the value is true, executed operations are logged at BI server.
showNavGroupFirstElement It indicates whether the first child element is displayed when navigating menu groups. Available values:
  • true. If the element containing child elements is selected, the first child element is opened. The parent element cannot be selected.
  • false. Default value. If the parent element is selected, the list of its child elements is displayed; if the child element is selected, it contents is opened.
clearMetabaseObjectsCacheOnOpen It indicates whether object cache is cleared on opening. Available values:
  • true. Default value. If a repository object opens, its version is cleared in cache, and actual version is loaded to cache.
  • false. If an object opens, its cached version is used.
logToConsole It indicates whether errors are displayed in the browser console. Available values:
  • true. Default value. Errors are displayed in the browser console.
  • false. Errors are not displayed in the browser console.
showMessageForUnhandledError It indicates whether error messages are displayed, for which there are not special handlers in business application scripts. Available values:
  • true. Default value. Error messages are displayed.
  • false. Error messages are not displayed.
authentication The attribute excluding the displaying of the User Name and Password fields in the login dialog box in case of domain authentication of users on database server. Additionally, it is necessary to add a domain user in repository security manager, the Integrated Domain authentication type must be selected in repository connection settings and domain authentication settings must be executed on the ASP.NET web server. Available values:
  • IntegratedDomain. The user name and password dialog boxes are not displayed in the login dialog box. The domain user used for operating system login will be used for authorization.
  • Not defined, empty or any other value. Standard login dialog box is displayed.

IMPORTANT. The use of domain/integrated domain authentication is not available in the designer of business applications if BI server is installed on Linux OS.


Parameters for opening objects in the web interface of business application. This section allows for creating several CLASS subsections.


The section with information about opening the specified class object. The field name should correspond with the numeric value of the object class, for which opening parameters are to be specified. The numeric value of the object class can be obtained in the MetabaseObjectClass enumeration.


The URL of the web application page for object opening.


Parameters that will also be passed to the page opened via the URL.


Pass the repo parameter with name of the currently opened repository.


Pass the class parameter with object class value.


Pass the mode parameter that determines an object opening mode. It may take the edit value (object opens for edit) and the view value (object opens for view). If the field is not specified, the object will be opened for view.


Pass the ConnectionId parameter with opened session moniker.

See also:

Installing and Setting Up Extensions Back End