Installing and Setting Up Foresight Analytics Platform > System Settings of Foresight Analytics Platform > System Registry Settings
All BI server settings are saved in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key, in the following subkey:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\PP\BIS\System
In the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0, additional subsections and keys that are used both in BI server and Foresight Analytics Platform desktop application work can be created:
Service. Access points to various BI servers.
Manager. Settings used for working of Foresight Analytics Platform desktop application. The Pool subsection can only be created in the subsection, its structure and parameters are identical to the subsection created in System. These settings will be used by the desktop application if it has configured connection to the repository via web services.
InMem. The settings that determine data caching mode of cube data in file cache.
These sections include subsections, for which different parameters can be set.
NOTE. All parameters created in these subsections have string type. The parameters that take only numeric values can be created with the DWORD or QWORD type.
Registry file example:
Parameters impacting the session functioning with repositories are created in the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\PP\BIS\System\Session subsection:
Parameters | Description |
RWLockSlim | Locks access to open object instances. |
LockSession | Locks the entire session on processing requests. When the lock is enabled, requests to all objects within the session are executed one by one, otherwise they are executed concurrently, or individual locks are used (RWLockSlim). |
LockAd | Locks access to open dashboard instances. When the lock is enabled, read/write requests are executed consecutively, otherwise they are executed concurrently. The lock is also enabled for nested objects accessed using the dashboard moniker. |
SamplingStr | Enables gathering time and memory statistics for performance counters. |
Sampling | Enables gathering time and memory statistics for performance counters. |
SysLogMb | An identifier of a repository, which contains system tables to store gathered statistics (Creating system tables to gather statistics is executed by means of the PP.Util.exe utility). |
TimeoutSec | Period of inactivity (no requests), after which a session with repository is closed. The period of time is set in seconds in the range [60, 127800]. When the value is set to -1, the timeout period is not limited. Default value is 1800. |
Statable | Object state save and restore mode at state server. It is used with the StateServer settings group. |
KeyIncr | Generates consecutive session and object monikers. |
StoreBins | Sets a limit for the number of export results stored at the server with each object (for express reports and regular reports). |
StoreBinSize | Maximum total size of loaded binary objects within the session. The size in indicated in bytes by default. If B, K or M Latin character is specified after the value, the value size is set in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes respectively. The default value is 0, and the loaded volume is not limited. |
Sets a limit to the number of repository database connections. NOTE. The PoolMaxConnections parameter is outdated, it is kept to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of Prognoz Platform. Use the MaxConnections parameter in the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\PP\BIS\System\Pool registry subsection. |
Other System subsections to set up BI server:
Subsection | Parameters |
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\PP\BIS\System\Pool
This subsection is used to create parameters that affect operation of BI server application pool. -1 - connection pool is enabled.
LRU - algorithm of replacing the least recently used connections (LRU algorithm).
Additional subsections that contain parameters for specific repositories can also be created in the Pool subsection. A created additional subsection must have a unique name. It can be used to create the following parameters:
NOTE. Connection pool parameters are applied, if the MaxConnections parameter value is greater than zero. |
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\PP\BIS\System\StateServer
Parameters of connection to state server.
HKLM\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\PP\BIS\System\Cert
This subsection stores private key of the security certificate. Parameters of this registry subsection are created at the runtime of PP.Util.exe application.
IMPORTANT. Parameters of this subsection must not be edited manually. |
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\PP\BIS\System\Mbs
Parameters of objects for statistics gathering. In this subsection the user needs to create additional subsections with names matching repository identifier. A parameter can be created in each additional subsection:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\PP\BIS\System\OAuth
Parameters of work via OAuth 1.1 and OAuth 2.0 protocols for user authentication on external servers supporting the protocol. To set up inside OAuth, subsections with OAuth servers names are created. Each subsection has its own specific parameters. The following parameters of OAuth servers are available:
Values specified in the ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret parameters can be obtained after registering developed application at the required OAuth server. Those parameters are required in order that BI server can check after authorization on OAuth server and authorizr the corresponding user in repository. If the ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret parameters are not specified, internal settings of the BI server are used; the OAuth server must contain registered application based on Foresight Analytics Platform web application. |
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\PP\BIS\System\Dal
Parameters of SQL queries execution with the use of BI server. These parameters affect BI server work, if it is used as a client for access to DBMS. In the current implementation the following checkbox is available:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\PP\BIS\System\Fore
Parameters of working with development environment objects.
This section is used to specify addresses of remote BI servers to get and cache data from repository. BI server with web application will request the remote BI servers and get a thread with required data without additional request to DBMS.
Subsection | Keys |
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\Service\Epts | The subsection, in which end points to remote servers are specified. Each point has a subsection with a unique name, for each point the following parameter is set:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\Service\Mbs |
The subsection contains repository settings. To set up, a subsection with a unique name, that is repository description identifier, is created inside Mbs, the parameter can be also specified:
Parameters determining the work mode for data caching of cubes in file cache are created in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key. The settings are applied when the current user works. The key to which settings are saved: HKCU\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\InMem. Working with cache is available within one running instance of Foresight Analytics Platform. The specified settings are determined on client computers, if desktop application is in use, or on BI server, if users are working in web application.
The settings can be also set in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section, they will be applied to all users. The settings search priority should be considered:
NOTE. All parameters must be of string type.
Parameters | Description |
UseInMem | It indicates whether In-Memory mechanism is used for cube data caching including ADOMD cubes and time series databases in file cache. By default, the parameter is set to True, the caching mechanism is used. |
CacheDims | It indicates whether In-Memory mechanism for dictionary data caching is used. The mechanism is absent by default and repository object caching is used. To cache dictionaries using In-Memory, create a parameter and set it to True. NOTE. The parameter may be set to True if the UseInMem parameter is set to True. If the UseInMem parameter is set to False, the CacheDims parameter is automatically set to False. |
DataDir | Path to the folder with stored cache files. If the parameter is not set, files are saved to the folder by default:
NOTE. The operating system user who will work with cached data, must have read and write permissions for the specified folder. |
MemLimitMb | Virtual memory limit in megabytes. If the parameter is not specified, then depending on operating system bitness, the following constraints are used: x86 - 1024 Mb; x64 - 5120 Mb. NOTE. For x86-bit systems, the size 1024 Mb is a maximum possible for operation. |
CacheLimitMb |
Disk space limited allocated to store aggregated data cache. Value is given in megabytes. Default parameter is not set. If parameter is set, when the limit exceeds, outdated or unused cache data will be deleted. Minimum disk space size that can be allocated to store aggregated data cache is 1024 MB. NOTE. If aggregated data cache size exceeds the specified limit, but all aggregated data is currently in use, then cache data will be cleared at the next aggregated data cache generation. |
Threads | The number of threads, in which parallel data processing is executed on aggregation. By default the number of stream is equal to the number of processor logical kernels. |
AllowConv |
Indicates whether aggregated data is stored in cache that can be obtained on aggregation of fixed dimensions. Aggregated data is stored in cache by default. To enable aggregated data caching, set the parameter to True, as this allows for the data to be quickly loaded and saves time avoiding repeated aggregate calculations on selection change, if source data was not changed. If data volume is too large, the first caching of aggregated data may take a long time and considerably increase the hard drive space used by cache. |
MatrixAggr |
Matrix aggregation operation mode. Matrix aggregation is applied, if on working with caching the aggregated values are not cached in files, they are calculated in memory each time. Available values:
OptimalThreshold |
Matrix aggregation mode application threshold. The parameter is relevant, if the MatrixAggr parameter is set to optimal. During the work, the size of selection (Cartesian product of selected elements) sent for data aggregation production is calculated. If obtained size is less than the value set in OptimalThreshold, then matrix aggregation is applied. If selection size is greater than the OptimalThreshold value, the aggregated values will be calculated and cached to file cache. The default threshold size is 10000. If the OptimalThreshold parameter is set to 0, then it will not be considered. |
PreloadData |
Attribute of data preload from cache to memory on the first cube request. If parameter is set to True, then on first request to any cached cube, its cache is scanned for full loading into RAM memory. As a result, the first cube use will be slow and all the following - maximum quick. It can be used to implement data preloading. The default parameter value is False. NOTE. Preloading is executed till the RAM size or the MemLimitMb parameter value are not exceeded. |
UseMemoryPool |
Attribute indicating whether pool of new pages with cached data in memory is used. To use the pool, set the parameter to True. The pool use can considerably speed up the work with high load, but it will also lead to the excessive use of RAM. By default the parameter is set to False, the pool of cached data pages is not used. |
Subsection | Key |
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0 | VirtualMemoryThreshold. The threshold of virtual memory use, exceeding of which will enable clearing cache of objects' metadata. DWORD parameter, available values: 0-100%. |
See also: