Installing and Setting Up Foresight Analytics Platform > Preparing DBMS Back End > Preparing Oracle Server > Advanced Oracle Settings
This parameter handles a prefix before user names. If this parameter is determined at an ORACLE server, it is required to set it in repository parameters in the Format of OS User Names box. The OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX parameter is set to default value at the server.
NOTE. Parameter values are case-sensitive.
The OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX parameter is set in the file:
S - a path to the folder with installed Oracle.
orcl - database instance (SERVICE_NAME).
The following string must be included in the file:
VALUE - parameter value.
NOTE. If an empty OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX parameter is specified on the server, it should be left empty in the repository settings.
On using integrated domain authentication, select the user name format in database connection settings. The format is to be specified if it differs from the default one or a prefix before user names (OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX parameter) is set at the Oracle server. By default, Foresight Analytics Platform uses the following name format for domain authentication: DOMAIN\USER_NAME.
At the server determine domain authentication determined in the file:
S - a path to the folder with installed Oracle at the server.
Add the following string to the file:
After entering the string, reload server services in the following order:
After server reloading, reload the services listed above. Otherwise, problems may arise during connection under the DBMS user or the domain user.
To determine domain authentication on the client computer, add the string given for servers to the sqlnet.ora file:
S - a path to the folder with installed Oracle at the client computer.
Restart Foresight Analytics Platform.
See also: