To develop a basic procedure, there is a table with basic SQL Server data types and corresponding internal platform types:
SQL Server basic scalar type |
Pseudonyms for SQL Server type |
Internal platform type |
int | integer | bigint |
bigint | - | bigint |
decimal[(p[, s]] | Dec[(p[, s]] | double |
numeric[(p[, s]] | - | double |
float[(n)] | - | double |
datetimeoffset | - | text |
varchar[(n | max)] | char varying character varying (n) |
text |
text | - | text |
nvarchar[(n | max)] | national character varying (n) |
text |
ntext | national text | text |
varbinary[(n | max)] | binary varying (n) | bytea |
Detailed description of SQL Server is given in description of Data Types, Data Type Synonyms.
Types, tables and procedures are created in the standard database language. A basic table type is declared using the syntax:
CREATE TYPE <type name> AS TABLE (
<column name> <column type>
SQL Server has stored procedures and functions that have important differences:
Stored procedures have restriction for returned value. They do not support the RETURN word, but procedures can return the cursor with one or several consequent tables. Procedure definition syntax does not enables the user to set input table structure.
Functions cannot change data on disk even if procedure is called inside the function.
Functions cannot be used to implement basic stored procedures because data change scenarios will no be implemented due to function restrictions. It is required to implement basic stored procedures based on procedures. If there is the some_proc procedure, a basic table type named some_proc_return_type is must be determined to determkine output table structure.
The linked table type for procedure is a basic table type, which name differs from name of the linked procedure with the "_return_type" suffix. This type provides type of procedure output table.
Basic stored procedure in MS SQL is a combination of stored procedure and linked table type. Procedure requirements are identical to requirements to basic stored procedure, except for the item about returned structure.
Consider the example of adding a new record to the fact table that contains the attributes:
id (int). Record identifier.
name (varchar). Fruit name.
A new record is added to the table using stored procedures that should be created in the database. To execute stored procedures, use the rpc API method. As input parameters for procedures, set table attributes that are passed in tabular or scalar format.
Examples of executing procedures depending on input parameter passing type:
To add a new record to table:
Create a procedure named fruits_add_table_struct:
CREATE PROCEDURE [fruits_add_table_struct]
@upsert_rows fruits_struct READONLY
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [fruits_struct] ON;
INSERT INTO [fruits_struct](id, name)
SELECT id, name FROM @upsert_rows
SELECT id FROM [fruits_struct]
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [fruits_struct] OFF;
INSERT INTO [fruits_struct](name)
SELECT name FROM @upsert_rows WHERE id IS NULL;
SELECT id FROM @upsert_rows
OPEN [cursor];
FETCH NEXT FROM [cursor] INTO @id;
UPDATE [fruits_struct]
SELECT NAME FROM @upsert_rows WHERE id = @id
WHERE id = @id;
FETCH NEXT FROM [cursor] INTO @id;
CLOSE [cursor];
DEALLOCATE [cursor];
SELECT * FROM fruits_struct WHERE id = (SELECT id from @upsert_rows)
Create a basic tabular type fruits_add_table_struct_return_type:
create type fruits_add_table_struct_return_type as table
id int,
name nvarchar(max)
Execute the created procedure using the rpc API method:
curl -v '<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v1/rpc/<resource name>/' -H "Authorization: Bearer <user token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{"<record identifier>": <fruit name>}"
To add a new record to table:
Create a procedure named fruits_add_enum:
CREATE PROCEDURE [fruits_add_enum]
@id INT,
@name NVARCHAR (max)
as begin
Set nocount on;
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [fruits_struct] ON;
IF NOT EXISTS(select * from fruits_struct where id=@id)
INSERT INTO fruits_struct (id,name) VALUES (@id,@name);
ELSE IF EXISTS(select * from fruits_struct where id=@id)
UPDATE [fruits_struct] SET name = @name
WHERE id=@id;
SELECT * from fruits_struct WHERE id=@id
Create a basic tabular type fruits_add_enum_return_type:
create type fruits_add_enum_return_type as table
id int,
name nvarchar(max)
Execute the created procedure using the rpc API method:
curl -v '<IP address ir DNS server name>/api/v1/rpc/<resource name>/' -H "Authorization: Bearer <user token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"@id": <record identifier>,"@name": "<fruit name>"}'
After executing one of the procedures a new record is added to the fruits table, if value of the specified record identifier (the id attribute) differs from existing values in the table. If value of the specified record identifier matches with the existing value in the table, the fruit name (the name attribute) will be changed for the name passed in the request.
See also:
Setting Up Integration with Table Data Sources | Basic SOAP/XML Procedure