Before updating Foresight Mobile Platform on host server check if the conditions are satisfied:
Foresight Mobile Platform is installed.
All operations are executed using the account included into the Docker group.
The utilities unzip, wget and docker-compose are installed.
10 Gb or more free disk space.
NOTE. If Relay server is installed, to provide correct work, mobile platform server and Relay server versions must match.
The logging system has been reworked in the new version. This has improved event logging and increased general system productivity. Previous logs will be unavailable on the update. To save previous logs, download them before updating the system using the Download button in the logging parameters settings.
IMPORTANT. To update to the latest version of the mobile platform, consequently update to each later version.
To update the mobile platform and the Docker subsystem deployed on the server:
Go to the directory with the file docker-compose.standalone.yml of the current host server installation and stop the current platform version:
% docker-compose -f docker-compose.standalone.yml down
After successful platform stop delete the existing images:
% docker image rm $(docker image ls -q)
Delete previous installation files:
Download new versions of images and files to mobile platform server. Unpack the archive:
% unzip
Load new images to local storage:
# load
% docker load -i fmp_v19.03.06_65.tgz
# delete archive
% rm -rf fmp_v19.03.06_65.tgz
Execute the command:
On platform update from version 18.04 to version 18.09:
% docker-compose -f docker-compose.standalone.yml run --rm -u root hhive sed -i 's|/var/hhive/static|/var/hh_static/static|g' /var/hhive/nginx/includes/
NOTE. Product update is available from 18.04 version.
On updating the product from 18.09 to 18.12 version and from 18.12 to 19.03 version:
% docker-compose -f docker-compose.standalone.yml run --rm hhive bash -c 'mkdir -p /var/hhive/ssh/ /var/hhive/supervisor/ && touch /var/hhive/ssh/ssh_conf_relay /var/hhive/supervisor/supervisor_ssh.conf'
Execute the command to delete static elements of the previous build:
% docker volume rm hyperhive_var_static
% docker-compose -f docker-compose.standalone.yml up
After executing the operations, Foresight Mobile Platform will be updated to the latest version.
To update Relay server:
Go to the directory with the docker-compose.relay.yml file of the current installation at the host server and install the current version of Relay server:
% docker-compose -f docker-compose.relay.yml down
After successful installation of Relay server delete the existing images:
% docker image rm $(docker image ls -q)
Delete previous installation files:
Download new versions of images and files to mobile platform server. Unpack the archive:
% unzip
Load new images to local storage:
# load
% docker load -i fmp_v19.03.06_65.tgz
# delete archive
% rm -rf fmp_v19.03.06_65.tgz
Update Relay server version:
% docker-compose -f docker-compose.relay.yml up
After executing the operations Relay server is updated to the latest version.
See also:
Installing and Setting Up Foresight Mobile Platform | Managing Mobile Platform