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Library of Methods and Models > Descriptive Statistics and Summary Statistics > Autocorrelation Analysis

Autocorrelation Analysis

The k-th order autocorrelation (ACFk) of time series X is the measure of closeness and direction of linear stochastic dependency between the current values of a time series and values of the time series k time moments ago. In other words, autocorrelation is a "pure" correlation between Xt and Xt-k.

K-th order partial autocorrelation (PACFk) is a measure of closeness and direction of linear stochastic dependency between the current values of time series and time series values at k moments of time ago, considering that the influence of the interim values Xt-1Xt-2, …, Xt-k+1 is excluded.

Suppose that X is the original time series, and T is the length of the time series.

Standard error:

Autocorrelation function (ACF):

t = 1... lag.

Partial autocorrelation function (PACF):

t = 1... lag.


t = 1...lag.

See also:

| ISmAutoCorrelation | SmAutoCorrelation | ISmPartialCorrelation | Modeling and Forecasting: ACF and PACF