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Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IMetabaseSecurity



The IMetabaseSecurity interface is used to set up parameters of repository security manager.


Before changing security manager parameters, request the Administration feature using the IMetabase.RequestLicense method. Save changes in security manager using the IMetabaseSecurity.Apply method and release the license.


  Property name Brief description
AllGroups The AllGroups property returns the collection of all groups of users available in the repository.
AllStations The AllStations property returns the collection of workstations in the network in which working with the platform will be performed.
AllUsers The AllUsers property returns collection of all users, available in the current repository.
CurrentDomainSubjectAddState The CurrentDomainSubjectAddState property determines settings of adding domain security subjects.
EnvironmentAttributes The EnvironmentAttributes property returns system environment attributes.
Groups The Groups property returns the collection of groups of users used in security policy.
Metabase The Metabase property returns repository data.
MetabaseClassesSecurityDescriptors The MetabaseClassesSecurityDescriptors property returns security parameters of object type.
Modified The Modified property returns whether security manager settings contain unsaved changes.
Policy The Policy property returns the settings of the platform security policy.
Users The Users property returns the collection of users, created in the security manager of the repository.


  Method name Brief description
ActiveUsers The ActiveUsers method returns the collection of users, created in the current repository considering users with the deferred loading of descriptions.
AddGroup The AddGroup method creates a new user group.
AddNTSubject The AddNTSubject method adds a domain security subject to the repository.
AddTemporaryUser The AddTemporaryUser method adds temporary user with specified period of use in days.
AddUser The AddUser method creates a new user.
Apply The Apply method applies security policy and returns information about the executed update.
ApplyWithInfo The ApplyWithInfo method applies security policy and returns a list of the users, that need updating, if necessary.
CheckAuditLoginConsistency The CheckAuditLoginConsistency method checks the presence and consistency of a (p4audit) security subsystem service user.
CreateExporter The CreateExporter method creates an object to export settings of security policy and access permissions.
CreateUsersUpdate The CreateUsersUpdate method creates the collection, used for users updating.
ExportUsersList The ExportUsersList method exports user list to the file.
HashPassword The HashPassword method hashes the password.
LoadAuditLog The LoadAuditLog method loads an archived access protocol from the file.
NewSnapshot The NewSnapshot method creates an object for reserve copying of security policy.
NewSubjectsSearch The NewSubjectsSearch method creates an object of security subject search.
OpenAuditLog The OpenAuditLog method opens an access protocol.
RemoveSubject The RemoveSubject method enables the user to remove security subject.
ResolveName The ResolveName method returns parameters of security subject by its name.
ResolveSid The ResolveSid method returns parameters of security subject by its identifier.
Revert The Revert method cancels all changes that the security manager settings contain.
UpdateUsers The UpdateUsers method updates information about users.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces