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Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IMetabaseGroup


Assembly: Metabase;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase;


The IMetabaseGroup interface contains properties and methods of the group of users.


A group of users can be obtained using the following properties and methods:


  Property name Brief description
The Attributes property returns system and custom attributes of group of users.
The HasToken property determines whether mandatory access control method parameters can be set up for a group of users.
The Member property returns parameters of the security subject that is included in this group of users.
The MemberCount property returns the number of the security subjects that are included in this group of users.
The Profiles property returns the collection of the profiles of users, included in the current group.
The Role property determines the role of the Oracle DBMS, which is corresponded to this group of users.
The Token property returns parameters for mandatory access of group of users.

Properties inherited from ISecuritySubject

  Property name Brief description
Description The Description property determines description of the security subject.
DistinguishedName The DistinguishedName property returns a distinguished name for a security subject.
IsHidden The IsHidden property indicates whether hidden security subject exists.
IsNT The IsNT property indicates whether the subject is the domain security subject.
LogonHoursPolicy The LogonHoursPolicy property returns settings of the security subject access to the Prognoz Platform by times.
Name The Name property determines a name of the security subject.
Sid The Sid property returns parameters of the identifier of the security subject.
Tag The Tag property is designed to store additional system information about security subjects.
Type The Type property returns a type of the current security subject.
UserPrincipalName The UserPrincipalName property returns a domain user name.


  Method name Brief description
The AddMember method adds the security subject to the group of users.
The IsMember method checks if the specified security subject is present in the current group of users.
The RemoveMember method removes the security subject from the group of users.

Methods inherited from ISecuritySubject

  Method name Brief description
The HasAccessToRepository method checks availability of the effective rights of the user or a group of users to the repository objects.
The MemberOf method returns a collection of the groups to which the given security subject is included.
The MemberOfO method returns a collection of groups in which the given security subject is included taking into account defined parameters of getting groups.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces