Metabase > Examples > Filling the &[DEPARTMENT] and &[NAME] Values for Marking Stamp
In marking stamp it is possible to use the &[DEPARTMENT] and &[NAME] substitutions that can be filled in only from application code on creating connection to repository.
To set substitution values, use the ICredentials.PersonDepartment and ICredentials.PersonName properties available only in Fore .NET.
The ICredentials.PersonDepartment property corresponds to the &[DEPARTMENT] substitution, the ICredentials.PersonName property corresponds to the &[NAME] substitution.
See below the example of defining values for the &[DEPARTMENT] and &[NAME] substitutions in marking stamp. Marking stamp will be displayed whatever mandatory access or access by security levels is applied for the report. To provide a correct example work, the MSServer (DBMS - Microsoft SQL Server 2008) requires the PPRepository repository. A regular report with the REPORT identifier is created in repository.
To execute the example follow the steps:
Create the .NET assembly with the NET form in it.
Add links to the Drawing, ForeSystem, Metabase, Report system assemblies. Import those assemblies from the Prognoz.Platform.Interop system assembly:
For the form:
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Drawing;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeSystem;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report;
For the Program unit:
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeSystem;
Place on the form:
The Label component with the label1 identifier. Set the "User:" text for the Text property in the object inspector.
The Label component with the label2 identifier. Set the "Password:" text for the Text property in the object inspector.
The TextBox component with the textBox1 identifier.
The TextBox component with the textBox2 identifier. Set the * value for the PasswordChar property in the object inspector.
The button with the button1 identifier. Set the OK text for the Text property in the object inspector.
The documentPrinterNet non-visual component with the documentPrinterNet1 identifier.
Create the Test public class in the Program module of the .NET assembly:
Public Class Test
Public Function getMB(name: string; depart: string; Login: string; Password: string; ): IMetabase;
mb: IMetabase;
factory: MetabaseManagerFactoryClass;
manager: IMetabaseManager;
def: IMetabaseDefinition;
defs: IMetabaseDefinitions;
package: StandardSecurityPackage;
creds: ICredentials;
pcreds: IPasswordCredentials;
ld: ISecurityPackageLogonData;
// Create an object to work with repository description
factory := New MetabaseManagerFactoryClass.Create();
manager := factory.Active;
// Create a standard security package
package := New StandardSecurityPackage.Create();
// Get collection of repository descriptions
defs := manager.Definitions;
// Add a new description of connection with repository
def := defs.Add();
// Set connection parameters with repository
def.Name := "Test_connect";
def.SecurityPackage := package.Id;
def.Authentication := AuthenticationMode.amPassword;
def.DeferredLoading := False;
def.DriverId := "MSSQL2008";
ld := def.LogonData;
ld.ParamValue["SERVER"] := "ms2008a";
ld.ParamValue["DATABASE"] := "pprepository";
// Create credentials with specified authentication type
creds := package.CreateCredentials(AuthenticationMode.amPassword);
// Set login and password to login the repository
pcreds := creds As IPasswordCredentials;
pcreds.UserName := Login;
pcreds.Password := Password;
// Determine user name that will be displayed in stamp
creds.PersonName := name;
// Determine department that will be displayed in stamp
creds.PersonDepartment := depart;
// Connection to repository according to specified parameters
mb := def.Open(creds, ApplicationMode.amWin, LocaleCodeID.lcidRussian);
Return mb;
End Function getMB;
End Class Test;
Create handler for the button:
Private Sub button1_Click(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs);
MB, MB_new: IMetabase;
Obj: Test = New Test();
User, Department, Login, Password: String;
rep: IPrxReport;
doc: IGxDocument;
Lic: Object;
Security: IMetabaseSecurity;
MB := Self.Metabase;
Lic := MB.RequestLicense(UiLicenseFeatureType.lftAdm);
Security := MB.Security;
// Set the marking stamp use regardless of the settings
Security.Policy.AlwaysPrintDocumentLabel := True;
// Apply specified policy settings
// Determine user name for marking stamp
User := "Ivanov Ivan Petrovitch";
// Determine department for marking stamp
Department := "HR department";
// Login
Login := textBox1.Text;
// Password
Password := textBox2.Text;
// Call the getMB method of the Test custom class
MB_new := Obj.getMB(User, Department, Login, Password) As IMetabase;
// Get report for which marking stamp is applied
Rep := MB_new.ItemById["REPORT"].Open(Null) As IPrxReport;
doc := rep As IGxDocument;
// Open document for preview before print to see marking stamp
documentPrinterNet1.Document := doc;
documentPrinterNet1.DocumentPrinterUi.PrintPreview(0, New IWin32WindowForeAdapter(Self), True);
Lic := Null;
End Sub;
Launch form for execution, input credentials of the user to connect to repository and click the OK button.
As a result the report is opened for preview, marking stamp with filled values for the &[DEPARTMENT] and &[NAME] substitutions:
See also: