
Assembly: Algo;


The ICalcAlgorithm interface is used to work with calculation algorithm.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
ClipBoard The property cannot be used in application code.
EtlTask The property cannot be used in application code.
Included The Included property determines including or excluding of object from calculation algorithm.
IsDirty The IsDirty property returns whether there are changes in calculation algorithm.
IsRtProblem The property cannot be used in application code.
Items The Items property returns the list of calculation algorithm objects.
ModelFolder The property cannot be used in application code.
MsGenerateFormula The property cannot be used in application code.
MsProblem The MsProblem property returns the modeling problem that is used on algorithm calculation.
ParamValues The ParamValues property returns the algorithm calculation period start and end settings and the collection of calculation algorithm parameters.
Settings The Settings property returns the settings of algorithm calculation period.
Stubs The Stubs property returns the collection of data sources and data consumers of calculation blocks and control blocks.

Properties inherited from ICalcObject

  Property name Brief description
Descriptor The Descriptor property returns the calculation algorithm object as an internal repository object.
Id The Id property determines a calculation algorithm object identifier.
IsEdited The IsEdited property returns whether calculation algorithm object is edited.
IsNeedConvert The IsNeedConvert property returns whether internal metamodels are transformed into the entities that are not repository objects, and vice versa.
Key The Key property returns the calculation algorithm object key.
MetaModel The MetaModel property returns the metamodel used in calculation algorithm object.
MetaModelDescriptor The MetaModelDescriptor property returns metamodel parameters.
Name The Name property determines calculation algorithm object name.
Params The Params property returns the metamodel parameters collection.
SelControl The property cannot be used in application code.
Type The Type property determines a calculation algorithm object type.


  Method name Brief description
Calculate The Calculate method calculates algorithm.
CalculateAsync The CalculateAsync method executes asynchronous algorithm calculation.
CancelEdit The method cannot be used in application code.
CreateFormulasGenerationSettings The method cannot be used in application code.
Debug The Debug method debugs calculation algorithm.
FindWxShapeByCalcObject The method cannot be used in application code.
ForceIncludeChange The method cannot be used in application code.
GenerateFormulas The method cannot be used in application code.
MoveChainEntry The method cannot be used in application code.
MoveObject The MoveObject method reorders calculation algorithm objects.
RestoreStyles The method cannot be used in application code.
SaveOldStyles The method cannot be used in application code.
SetDefaultParamsValue The method cannot be used in application code.

Methods inherited from ICalcObject

  Method name Brief description
Convert The Convert method transforms internal metamodels into the entities that are not repository objects, and vice versa.
CopyTo The CopyTo method copies calculation algorithm to the clipboard.
Delete The Delete method deletes calculation algorithm object.


The FillSelSetFromParams method passes the dimensions selection used as a calculation algorithm parameter to the parameters panel.

RefreshMetaModel The RefreshMetaModel method refreshes metamodel.
Save The Save method saves calculation algorithm object.
ToJson The ToJson method returns the calculation algorithm object in the JSON format.

See also:

Algo Assembly Interfaces