System > System Assembly Enumerations > UiLicenseStatusCode
The UiLicenseStatusCode enumeration contains types of errors that occur on working with licenses.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
IWinApplication.LicenseRequest (outdated).
Value | Brief description |
0 | Success. Successful. |
1 | NoLicenseGiven. Error checking out license. |
2 | FeatureUnnamed. License name cannot be empty. |
3 | HostUnknown. Internal licensing error No.<number>. |
4 | FileNotFound. License file is not found. |
5 | NoServerRunning. License server is not running. |
6 | UnauthorizedMachine. License is requested from unauthorized workstation. |
8 | ReleaseFailed. Error checking in license. |
11 | CallingError. Internal licensing error No.<number>. |
12 | InternalError. Internal error. |
14 | NoServerResponse. License server does not respond. |
15 | UserExcluded. Current user (workstation) is prohibited to use the requested license. |
18 | NoSuchFeature. Requested license is not found. |
23 | VendorMismatch. License vendor and application vendor do not match. |
25 | BadServerMessage. License server returned error message. |
26 | ClockTampered. System time on the workstation has been changed. Licensing is canceled. |
28 | InvalidDomain. Invalid domain. |
36 | FingerPrintMismatch. No system locking. |
37 | TrialExhausted. Trial license is expired. |
39 | AllUnitsReleased. All licenses are already checked in. |
62 | FeatureInactive. License is inactive. |
63 | MajorityRuleFailure. Internal licensing error No.<number>. |
82 | ServerSyncInProgress. Synchronization with the license server is started. |
81 | CommuterCodeAlreadyExists. Local temporary license has been already checked out from license server. |
83 | RemoteCheckout. License is checked out remotely. |
93 | DuplicateLicense. License with this code is already available to use. |
129 | NotSupportedInNoNetMode. It is prohibited to check out local temporary license from license server, if stand-alone license is used. |
141 | LicenseInUse. License cannot be replaced as it has active non-checked in clients. |
143 | StoreAccessError. Cannot access the license file. |
156 | TrialNotActivated. Trial period has not been activated. |
501 | NoTokenPresent. Token is not found. Check its availability and that its driver is installed correctly. |
-939519987 | LicenseExpired. License period is expired. |
-939519992 | NoNetwork. General network error. Cannot execute licensing. |
-939519993 | NoResources. Not enough resources to finish licensing. |
-939519994 | NoLicenseAvailable. No license available. |
-939519996 | LicenseTerminated. Cannot renew license because the period has expired. |
-939519998 | InsufficientUnits. License server cannot give requested number of licenses. |
NOTE. Depending on created situation, other errors can be returned.
See also: