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System > System Assembly Enumerations > UiLicenseStatusCode



The UiLicenseStatusCode enumeration contains types of errors that occur on working with licenses.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Success. Successful.
1 NoLicenseGiven. Error checking out license.
2 FeatureUnnamed. License name cannot be empty.
3 HostUnknown. Internal licensing error No.<number>.
4 FileNotFound. License file is not found.
5 NoServerRunning. License server is not running.
6 UnauthorizedMachine. License is requested from unauthorized workstation.
8 ReleaseFailed. Error checking in license.
11 CallingError. Internal licensing error No.<number>.
12 InternalError. Internal error.
14 NoServerResponse. License server does not respond.
15 UserExcluded. Current user (workstation) is prohibited to use the requested license.
18 NoSuchFeature. Requested license is not found.
23 VendorMismatch. License vendor and application vendor do not match.
25 BadServerMessage. License server returned error message.
26 ClockTampered. System time on the workstation has been changed. Licensing is canceled.
28 InvalidDomain. Invalid domain.
36 FingerPrintMismatch. No system locking.
37 TrialExhausted. Trial license is expired.
39 AllUnitsReleased. All licenses are already checked in.
62 FeatureInactive. License is inactive.
63 MajorityRuleFailure. Internal licensing error No.<number>.
82 ServerSyncInProgress. Synchronization with the license server is started.
81 CommuterCodeAlreadyExists. Local temporary license has been already checked out from license server.
83 RemoteCheckout. License is checked out remotely.
93 DuplicateLicense. License with this code is already available to use.
129 NotSupportedInNoNetMode. It is prohibited to check out local temporary license from license server, if stand-alone license is used.
141 LicenseInUse. License cannot be replaced as it has active non-checked in clients.
143 StoreAccessError. Cannot access the license file.
156 TrialNotActivated. Trial period has not been activated.
501 NoTokenPresent. Token is not found. Check its availability and that its driver is installed correctly.
-939519987 LicenseExpired. License period is expired.
-939519992 NoNetwork. General network error. Cannot execute licensing.
-939519993 NoResources. Not enough resources to finish licensing.
-939519994 NoLicenseAvailable. No license available.
-939519996 LicenseTerminated. Cannot renew license because the period has expired.
-939519998 InsufficientUnits. License server cannot give requested number of licenses.

NOTE. Depending on created situation, other errors can be returned.

See also:

System Assembly Enumerations