Fore.NET Specification
Fore.NET is a simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language.
Unlike the Fore language based on using COM technology, the Fore.NET language uses the Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 platform. The main innovations in the language are related with the requirements and features of this platform:
An enhanced set of standard types: Byte, Short, Long + their unsigned versions.
Using generic types.
Partial types.
Code-associated metadata and attributes.
A modified mechanism of virtual methods and their overriding.
Group delegates.
The Using statement.
An optional specifying of a name in the end of a syntax structure (class, method or property) declaration.
The principle of static fields work is changed. Unlike the Fore language, static fields are available within an application domain and do not depend on the number of repository connections.
Generally, the Fore.NET language is backward-compatible with the syntax and semantic of the Fore language. The Fore.NET language does not support the following structures of the Fore language:
The ComImport statement.
The With statement.
The Dispose statement (a standard call of System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject is available).
Matrix operations.
Nested procedures and functions.
Named parameters for calling procedures and functions, default values for parameters.
The Default modifier for class properties.
Syntax of properties descriptions in interface declarations.
If the source text contains these structures, a compilation error is thrown.
See also: