Installation and update in some cases may cause various problems. Below are the most common cases and causes of their occurrence, and solutions.
Cannot open database file. "System error - 2147287035"
On installing or deleting Foresight Analytics Platform the following error message is displayed:
Error "Database: <path to the *.ipi file>. Cannot open database file. System error -2147287035"/"Database: <path to the *.ipi file>. Cannot open database file. System error -2147287035".
Possible causes:
User variables have been changed in the TEMP and TMP environments.
Incorrect permissions have been set for the folder with one of the installed files.
Below are the variants of solving the problem. If the variant does not work, go to the next variant.
If a user variable has been changed and differs from the default value, return the value of these variables: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp.
Create a new user, add him to the administrators group and start the installation or deletion.
Disable antivirus software during the installation or deletion.
Installation or deletion rollback on connection via remote desktop
When installing or deleting via remote desktop, the installation or deletion has been rolled back. The problem occurs on installation or deletion of the Full, Standard, and BIServer kits.
NOTE. This problem may be accompanied with opening of the Windows Installer Coordinator and Windows Installer dialog boxes. The Windows Installer dialog box will contain the message "Install server not responding".
This problem may occur if the install folder contains an MSI file of help system setup package (FP9Help_RU.msi or FP9Help_EN.msi).
For correct remote installation or deletion of Foresight Analytics Platform install separately Foresight Analytics Platform and help system. To separately install or delete Foresight Analytics Platform, the folder with Foresight Analytics Platform installer must not contain help system MSI installer. After installing or deleting Foresight Analytics Platform start help system MSI installer (FP9Help_RU.msi or FP9Help_EN.msi).
BIServer kit installation rollback
On installing the BIServer kit installation rollback occurred. The error occurs if installation is executed by means of the FP9BIServer[Apache/IIS]_x86.exe or FP9BIServer[Apache/IIS]_x64.exe installers.
This problem may occur if not all necessary IIS components were installed by the user during IIS setup.
Install all necessary IIS components. See IIS setup description in the Installing Foresight Analytics Platform Web Application section, Step 6. Setting Up Internet Information Services document or on the help system page.
Could not find files to install required components
On installing Foresight Analytics Platform the following error message is displayed:
Could not find files to install required Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 2008 R2 x64 components. Installation will be stopped. It may be connected with unsuccessful or aborted loading.
This problem may occur if the installer could not find the Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 2008 R2 prerequisite that must be located in the ISSetupPrerequisites folder.
When installing, the folder with the installer must contain the ISSetupPrerequisites folder with all necessary software that is required for work of Foresight Analytics Platform. See the list of prerequisites in the help system of Foresight Analytics Platform.
On installing or deleting Foresight Analytics Platform the following error message is displayed:
Error 1402: "Cannot open key: <key>. Check if there are sufficient access permissions for this key or contact the system engineer.
This problem may occur if the setup program cannot open the registry section because of the absence of permissions for it.
Below are the variants of solving the problem. If the variant does not work, go to the next variant.
Open registry editor (regedit.exe). Expand the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components (name S-1-5-18 may differ). Find GUID with the numbers and letters set from the error message. Open the context menu of this GUID section and select the Permissions item. Use the Add button in the Group Permissions dialog box to add the "Administrator", "Administrators", and "system" accounts. If the current administrator account name differs from the Administrator, enter the current user name. Go back to the Group Permissions dialog box. Select each added account and make sure that the Full Access and the Read checkboxes are selected. Click the Advanced button and in the Additional Security Parameters dialog box that opens execute the following operations:
Select the Replace All Child Object Permissions with Inheritable Permissions from This Object checkbox on the Permissions tab (the Include Inheritable Permissions from This Object's Parent checkbox must be selected).
Select the Administrators name on the Owner tab and select the Replace Subcontainer and Object Owner checkbox.
Use the Microsoft utility — SubInACL and execute commands in the following order:
path_to_file/subinacl.exe /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /setowner=Administrator.
path_to_file/subinacl.exe /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /setowner=Administrator.
path_to_file/subinacl.exe /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /setowner=Administrator.
path_to_file/subinacl.exe /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=Administrator=f /grant=system=f.
path_to_file/subinacl.exe /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=Administrator=f /grant=system=f.
Path_to_the_file/subinacl.exe /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=Administrator=f /grant=system=f.
Missing operating system update permissions
On installing Foresight Analytics Platform the Failed prerequisite installation status is returned. On an attempt to manually install the prerequisite the following error message is displayed:
Missing permissions to update <OS_name>. Contact the system administrator. / You do not have permission to update <OS name>. Please contact your system administrator.
This problem may occur if on installing the prerequisites there are not enough permissions for group policy objects.
For details see
Check permissions for group policy objects:
File and catalog archiving.
File and catalog recovery.
Auditing and security log management.
File and other object owner assignment.
System shutdown.
Program debugging.
To view and change user permissions, execute the operations listed below:
Start the group policy objects editor for the local computer or domain. Additional information is described in the Group Policy Management Console article on the Microsoft website.
In the Computer Configuration section select the Windows Configuration element.
Select the Security Settings item and then Local Policies and User Rights Assignment items.
Set up access permissions to all objects that are necessary to install.
Transformations application error
When updating the current version of Foresight Analytics Platform or on deleting Foresight Analytics Platform the error message is displayed:
Transformations application error. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid"/"Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid».
The problem is not related with Foresight Analytics Platform, this is a floating error of Windows Installer used for installation.
To resolve the problem:
Start registry editor.
In the registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\ find the section related to Foresight Analytics Platform. The search can be executed using the keyword: "Foresight Analytics Platform".
In the found section delete the Transforms parameter.
To avoid occurring the problem in the future it is recommended to execute the following operations:
Find the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer (if the Installer section is missing, create it).
In the Installer section create the DWORD TransformsSecure parameter with the 0 value.
Deselect the Cache Transforms in Secure Location on Workstation checkbox in the local group policy editor for the Windows Installer application:
Using the Start/Run menu, start the gpedit.msc application.
Go to the section Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Features\Windows Installer.
Find the specified option and set it to Disabled. On executing this operation, the TransformsSecure flag with the 0 value is created in the registry.
If remote access is executed via the operating system earlier than Windows Server 2008, create the EnableAdminTSRemote DWORD parameter with the 1 value in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer.
See also:
Solving Possible Problems in Foresight Analytics Platform