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Building Data Entry, Control and Approval Forms > Building Data Entry Form > Setting Up Table Area > Selecting Calculation Algorithms

In this article:

Adding, Moving and Deleting Calculation Algorithm

Setting Up Properties of Selected Calculation Algorithm

General Settings of Calculation Algorithm

Setting Up Link of Calculation Algorithm and Data Entry Form Parameters

Setting Up Data Entry Forms Binding to Algorithm

Example of Algorithm Use

Editing Previously Configured Forms

Setting Up Tab Table

Selecting Calculation Algorithms

To calculate and control table area data, use created calculation algorithms.

To select calculation algorithms, use the Calculation Algorithms page of the Table Area Wizard dialog box:

Calculation algorithms

Elements of the Calculation Algorithms page

To determine a calculation algorithm:

  1. Add a ready calculation algorithm.

  2. Set up properties of the selected algorithm:

TIP. To set up displayed columns in tables on the Properties of Selected Algorithm and Binding to Data Entry Forms tabs, see the Setting Up Tab Table section of this article.

After selecting calculation algorithms, finish table area creation by clicking the Finish button.

When working with a ready data entry form, the formula used for cell calculation is displayed in the formula string.

After the table area is set up, follow the step if required:

Adding, Moving and Deleting Calculation Algorithm

Select the ready calculation algorithm in the Calculation Algorithms area and move it to the Selected Calculation Algorithms area using the button or using Drag&Drop.

Depending on the calculation execution option, move the algorithm to the tab:

NOTE. To run recalculation, select the Merge Requests on Calculation checkbox on the General tab of the Parameters dialog box.

To set up execution order of calculation algorithms, use the and buttons on the tab toolbar.

To delete the selected calculation algorithm:

Setting Up Properties of Selected Calculation Algorithm

To set up properties of the selected calculation algorithm, select it in the Selected Calculation Algorithms area. Depending on the algorithm type, various settings are available. The algorithm type is determined automatically. The type of calculation algorithm is specified in the Selected Calculation Algorithms area table in the Type column:

General Settings of Calculation Algorithm

Determine general settings of calculation algorithm in the Selected Calculation Algorithms area:

Setting Up Link of Calculation Algorithm and Data Entry Form Parameters

Set up link between calculation parameters and data entry parameters on the Properties of Selected Algorithm, selecting:

NOTE. Dictionary selection schema has a greater priority than selection type.

If calculation algorithm and data entry form are built on the same source, the algorithm parameters will be automatically linked to the data entry form parameters. By default:

Setting Up Data Entry Forms Binding to Algorithm

Bind data entry forms to the algorithm, in order to detail formulas that are used in calculation algorithm, by using the Binding to Data Entry Forms tab:

NOTE. The Binding to Data Entry Forms tab is not active for the Control algorithm type. If calculation algorithm is of the Calculation/Control type, the tab displays only calculation block and aggregation block consumers.

To do this, specify:

NOTE. Make sure that the Load Only Active Sheet checkbox is selected for linked multisheet data entry form to speed up form opening.

The bound form opens on viewing formula description. If source form parameters transfer is not set up for all bound form parameters, the dialog box to enter parameter values opens on opening the bound form.

Example of Algorithm Use

Editing Previously Configured Forms

On editing data entry forms created in previous versions of Foresight  Analytics Platform, calculation algorithms added to control entered data will be disabled. On opening such data entry form for edit, the message indicating that the Control type calculations are disabled and that changes need to be made in the algorithm or that algorithm connection settings in data entry forms must be changed.

Setting Up Tab Table

The number of displayed columns and the order of their position in table can be set up:

To change the number of displayed columns:

To change column order, use the and buttons by selecting the column.

See also:

Building Data Entry Form | Working with Ready Data Entry Form