Text Block

The Reports tool enables the user to add text blocks with custom formatting on report sheets. Similar to other sheet objects, these blocks support pasting to the selected cell range and activation.

To add a Text Block object on a report sheet:

    1. Select a cell range that will contain an object to create.

    2. Click the Text Block button in the Text group of the Insert ribbon tab.

After these operations are executed the Text Block object is added to the specified range.

After these operations are executed the Text Block object is added to the top left corer of the block and will match the top left corner of the selected cell::

After the object is activated the following operations are available:

Enter and edit text

Format text

Undo and redo action

Work with clipboard


Select all text

Align text

See also:

Inserting Graphics, Shapes and Text Blocks | Using Table Sheet | Using Text Sheet | Working with Ready Reports