WaitCursor: Boolean;
WaitCursor: Boolean;
The WaitCursor property determines whether mouse cursor is to be shown as a wait cursor (typically an hourglass shape).
It is used only in the desktop application.
The wait cursor is displayed while the program executes a method, in which the WaitCursor property is set to True. After completing method execution, the cursor changes back to a cursor used for standard operation mode. The WaitCursor property does not change its value automatically. It is necessary to set this property to False at appropriate moments in application code.
Sub DoExecute;
WinApplication.WaitCursor := True;
//...A long-term process
WinApplication.WaitCursor := False;
End Sub DoExecute;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ui;
Sub DoExecute();
WinAppCls: WinApplicationClass = New WinApplicationClassClass();
WinAppCls.WaitCursor := True;
//...A long-term process
WinAppCls.WaitCursor := False;
End Sub DoExecute;
See also: